古代的術士們利用“原石”和“水晶”等材料付上魔法後制造出了一種叫“禁斷琉璃”的石頭,他們利用這種琉璃封存和窺視記憶, 就算是已經死去幾萬甚至百萬年的生命的記憶也可以被提取,當記憶被從屍體上面注入到琉璃裏面的時候,如果是幸福,甜美的記憶那麽琉璃就會變色變成金色,如果是痛苦或悲慘的記憶的話琉璃就會轉變爲紅色,越是痛苦色彩就越深,甚至變成黑色的,
The ancient wizards mixed enchanted Primal Stones, Crystals and other materials to produce a kind of stone known as Forbidden Glaze. With this material, they were able to seal and look into memory. They went as far as to collect memory from creatures that had died thousands or even millions of years before. If the glaze was filled with happy and sweet memories from the dead body, its color would change to gold. Otherwise, if the glaze was filled with painful or miserable memories, the glaze would change the color to red. The more miserable the memory was, the gloomier the color would turn out. It might eventually go as deep as black.
I’ve continued my thinking in this picture while trying some new style, namely, blue plus orange. (Most of my previous works employed yellow and green.)